Spencer Haddy
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Meet Spencer

Hey, friends! My name is Spencer, and this is the part where I talk about myself and whatnot.

I graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder (#skobuffs) in August 2019, and I’ve been taking life by the reins ever since. Eager to dive into today's modern workforce, I value human interaction, creative collaboration, leaving an impact wherever I go, and a curiosity to continually learn new information and skills.

Other than that, I have an interest in working abroad someday to continue my studies of the Spanish language and further expand my worldly view…

…Yo viví en Barcelona por un semestre durante el tercer año de la universidad. Además estudié español como segunda especialidad y me encantaría volver a un país hispanohablante para vivir esa buena vida hispana y seguir estudiando el idioma.

Anyway… I thrive in warm weather and sunshine, but a day on the slopes—knee-deep in powder—comes in close second. Nothing beats a summer night at Red Rocks (pre-COVID things—sigh), and I’m happiest when traveling to exotic places and meeting new people from all walks of life (pre-COVID things again—double sigh). Anything related to foreign languages or the human body holds my attention like none other. And anyone who knows me would agree that I can surely bust a move to just about any song.

Digital Designer & Marketing Specialist | Denver, Colorado //

Digital Designer & Marketing Specialist | Denver, Colorado //



Upon graduating in August 2019, I completed a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Integrative Physiology with minors in Spanish and ‘Technology, Arts & Media’ (TAM). I'm thoroughly intrigued by the physiological systems of the human body and their relationship with human health and disease, as I was initially pursuing a pre-med career during my earlier years at CU. However, my career goals shifted as I noticed an unwavering desire to expand as a member of this technological age and form versatile skill sets.

I added TAM as a minor to learn methods of combining creative direction, critical thinking, and extensive technical skills. Ultimately, the TAM program gave me the expertise and skill sets to improve the quality of projects I’ve worked on over the years. I’m now ready to put my expertise and creative abilities to good use, and I will use them to help both you and myself build a successful business.

Let’s get creative.


University of Colorado, Boulder, CO — August 2019

B.A. in Integrative Physiology
Minor in Technology, Arts & Media
Minor in Spanish


Digital Designer & Marketing Specialist

Based out of Denver, Colorado


Digital Designer, Marketer, Friend & Thinker

Apart from my hobbies, education, and recent graduation, I've found myself remarkably excited—and perhaps slightly nervous—to watch the next journey of life unfold before my eyes. I'm eager to work purposefully so that things fall into place. What does that look like?

Well, a lot has changed in the past year since graduating. 2020 has certainly been an interesting year, but in ways it has been a year full of reflection and personal growth. I’m now proud to say that everything in life—including the many obstacles that 2020 has thrown our way—has led me in the direction of becoming a Digital Designer and Marketing Specialist. I love working on creative projects related to graphic design, art direction, web design, product design, and marketing strategy. My long-term goal is to stay motived and keep working on projects that will eventually lead me down the path of becoming a Creative Director.

Since graduation, my career journey has consisted of freelancing and growing a business of my own. I’ve had the pleasure of working with many different clients, providing them with various creative services to help their brands grow. The services I offer include branding, logo design, web design, creative content creation, strategy, and storytelling. When working for myself, I manage healthy client relations through email, and I exchange deliverables through Google Drive.